Becoming Sun Couples

Sun people attract other sun people, just as moon people attract moon people, and star people attract star people. If you want a sun marriage, start by becoming a sun individual. Others who also live by sun values will recognize those qualities of character in you. Those shared sun values and behaviors will become the foundation of a committed and loving sun marriage.

Sun marriages are based on love, loyalty, fidelity, and mutual respect. Sun spouses are willing to be open, transparent, and vulnerable with each other. And doing so produces ever increasing levels of intimacy and trust in their relationships. Shine Brighter offers some specific tools to help with that process, including the HOUSE model that illustrates how sun relationships develop and what it takes to maintain them. If you have ever spent time in the “dog house” in your relationships, you know how lonely and isolated spouses can become when there are unhealed emotional injuries and unresolved conflicts between them. Shine Brighter provides a model for resolving conflicts in marriage, so couples don’t get caught in a cycle of escalating arguments and contention. Resolving conflict begins with a joint commitment to a very simple yet profoundly important principle—that the relationship is always more important than the problem. Couples who are committed to this principle will find it easier to resolve life’s problems—any problems— that arise during their lives.  They will learn the tools of how to address these everyday problems in a direct yet respectful way that promotes better communication and improved problem-solving skills.

In the Navaho culture, your life is referred to as your “walking”, and marriage is a “walking of we.” It will require a joint commitment to share in shouldering the many challenges of family life. That means there will be times when spouses are called upon to make sacrifices for each other. That ability to delay immediate gratification and “wait for the marshmallow” and be patient with one another allows sun spouses to move from a “me” to a “we” perspective on life. That will be especially important when they become parents.

Fearless and compassionate communication is another hallmark of sun homes and families so that issues get addressed and resolved, rather than being swept under the carpet and ignored, only to surface again later.

Shine Brighter also addresses the issue of sexuality in marriages and what constitutes sun, moon, and star perspectives on the subject. You will learn what the phrase “neurons that fire together, wire together” means when it comes to our sexual choices and how those choices impact the quality of our lives and our relationships. And you will learn how a Troll doll and a heart-shaped pillow were the tools for one couple to resolve some traumatic experiences from the wife’s past.

Sun marriages are based on the principles of unity and equality. Those principles are at the core of sun marriages. By eves-dropping on an unrecorded conversation between our first parents in the Garden of Eden, Shine Brighter explains how those qualities are fostered and maintained throughout a lifetime, because nothing in life brings more joy to people, than sun relationships.

So, if you want to improve communication, resolve conflict, create greater unity and harmony, increase physical and emotional intimacy, and build a lasting foundation of trust in your relationships, Shine Brighter can help.