There are 3 Kinds of People in The World

If you are prepared to consider one of life’s most important questions, I invite you to walk outside, look up, and ponder what you see: the sun, the moon, and the stars.

The universe has provided a daily astrological reminder of the need to decide the kind of human being you want to be and how the qualities of the sun, the moon, and the stars will be reflected in your life.

The sun provides light, warmth, nutrition, and positive guidance to the earth. Sun people do the same, providing light in the form of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Warmth in the form of compassion and love. Nutrition in the form of service to the bodies, minds, and spirits of all those around them. And they use their education, financial resources, and positions of leadership and influence in the world to guide the lives of others in a positive, productive direction.

Sun people are always in search of greater light and truth that will enrich their own lives and the lives of others. They are committed to applying sun principles in their lives, and when there is a conflict between their behaviors and their sun beliefs. they will strive to change their behavior to be in harmony with their sun beliefs.

The moon is always half in the light and half in the dark. During a lunar eclipse, the orbit of the earth places it directly between the sun and the moon, blocking the light of the sun from reaching the moon and plunging it into total darkness. Similarly, moon people struggle to choose between light and darkness. Their lives are part good and part evil. Part truth and part error. And the more they let the world get in the way, the more self-centered they become and the more darkness enters their lives. When moon people engage in behaviors that are not in harmony with sun beliefs, they will often change their beliefs to accommodate their moon behaviors. Their values are constantly in flux and their lives are filled with ambiguity and uncertainty.

Stars are tiny pinpoints of light in a sea of darkness. They provide little light and no warmth to the earth and its inhabitants. Star people are similar as demonstrated by the way they treat others. They choose darkness over light and try to draw others into the darkness with them. They hate sun people and oppose all that they stand for. That’s because sun people are constant reminders of what star people could have become, but have chosen not to. Their lives are filled with anger, violence, dishonesty, self-indulgence and immorality. They lust for power and will do whatever it takes to get it.

Shine Brighter invites everyone to study these heavenly bodies and consider the choices they represent. Those who choose sun principles and practices will find greater clarity, purpose, and joy in life. But the choice will always be yours to make. It’s your life, your choice, and your destiny. So, choose wisely.