Becoming Sun Individuals

WE NEED MORE SUN PEOPLE! How different the world would be if the rising generations of youth gathered in street rallies throughout the globe and marched through the streets chanting, “What do we want?” “SUN PEOPLE!!” “When do we need them?” “NOW!!”

Sun people are the truth-seekers, light-givers, whole-hearted service providers and inspired leaders in the world. They lobby for peace and harmony in a contentious world. They foster cooperation among divergent and often divisive groups of people. They tell the truth when deception might give them an advantage over others. They foster empathy and compassion in the hearts and minds of others. They are generous, even when they have little extra to share. And when situations require heroic action, they are the first to show up. The great Italian poet Dante once described sun people when he wrote. “Thou didst as one who, passing through the night bears a light behind, that profits not himself, but makes those who follow, wise.” They are the “watchmen on the tower”. Citizens of the “city on a hill.” But you don’t have to be perfect to become a sun person, you just have to want to be better. Shine Brighter will assist you in that pursuit.                                                                                                                                       

In the book I share accounts of some my own growth experiences and interactions with several other people who have contributed to my understanding and appreciation of sun people. Throughout history, many have pondered how best to accomplish that goal. Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle struggled with the question of how best to assist their fellow Greeks in becoming perfect people. Plato suggested that the image of the perfect person should be held up for all to see, and that seeing the qualities and accomplishments of perfect people would inspire others to do the same. Aristotle felt that most people would get discouraged when they realized they often don’t measure up to that standard and would give up trying. He felt that the example most people would relate to would be of a person who continues to pursue the path to perfection, even when they fail at times to meet that standard. They stay on “the road less traveled” and never give up trying. When they make mistakes, they apply the principle known to the Greeks as metanoeo, until they eventually reach that goal. I offer several examples of those kinds of sun people, and I hope you will find inspiration from their examples.

Yes, becoming a sun person is not an easy task, just like saying ‘no’ to the marshmallow isn’t easy for a hungry four-year-old to do.  But it is an achievable goal for anyone who is willing to make the effort. It’s a matter of priorities. Star people want what they want, and they want it “right freaking now!” regardless of how their behaviors will impact others. Sun people have more patience, and when they get the reward of the second marshmallow, they will very likely share it with another less fortunate person nearby.

And you don’t have to wait very long to experience the rewards of sun living. The rewards start immediately, and continue forever. Shine Brighter provides a glimpse of what that future will look like.